September 13, 2007

Musicfest this Saturday

Politican charges video “a slur to the Irish”
Photo of Cranford Commissioner George McDonough

Last year the Musicfest Freeholder VIP tent provided catering for 425 people at a cost to taxpayers of $5,525. The bill for the VIP tent alcohol hasn't been provided to date. There was no permit issued for the booze and the county has written that this was an in-kind contribution and no documentation has been offered as to who the contributor(s) were.

At a Cranford township committee meeting this past Tuesday, Commissioner George McDonough had a meltdown over the video clip that was made of last years VIP tent from across the lake. We only filmed the tent for about 10 minutes and as the luck of the Irish would have it, McDonough was ponnying up at the keg at the time with relatives of Freeholder Daniel Sullivan.

McDonough had a VIP pass for the tent but there is no record of it. The county never gave a detailed accounting of who the 425 people in the tent were. I doubt they were all Irish.

It angered McDonough that no Republicans were invited to the VIP tent to be caught on video, he said "you never go after Republicans". It made me wonder if Christopher Christie gets tired of that line every time he indicts another Democrat.

McDonoungh ranted on "…I went to a concert, along with 10,000 other people! I was in a tent for elected officials and there was beer and wine!....” ” “I think this is a slur to the Irish”.

To be fair to the Democrats, I feel I must tell you that McDonough is quite the character in Cranford. During last years campaign there was talk about town of having Mayor McCheese T-Shirts made, and an emergency press conference was called right before the election. The Cranford Dem Committee needed to reassure people that had their candidate won, McDonough wouldn’t be made Mayor.

The juice down there was free: Click HERE to view video footage of the illegal drinking that went on in the V.I.P. tent during the Music Fest on a recent Saturday as well as the mess that was left unattended in the county park until Monday morning.

There is no drinking in the parks folks: Click HERE to view video footage of Freeholder Holmes telling a summer concert crowd “the only bad thing is that there is no drinking allowed in county parks folks”.

Taxpayer funded celebrity port a potty located in the VIP tent