Dear Freeholder Sullivan:
As a resident and taxpayer I am greatly concerned about wasteful spending by Union County government and alarmed at the resulting 50% increase in county property taxes over the past 5 years. With a 2006 budget $413 million dollars and a bloated payroll of nearly 3000 employees Union County is well on the road to fiscal disaster and taxpayer revolt. What is needed is a top down change from a "tax and spend" and "business as usual" culture to one that is more disciplined, financially prudent and focused on cost savings.
In an effort to address these concerns I attach a "Spend Analysis of Union County Government" based upon my review of 2005-2006 check registers that were obtained via OPRA requests. This pro bono and non-partisan analysis was prepared to 1) identify wasteful spending and purchasing practices of Union County government and 2) provide some insight and recommendations that, if implemented, will save the County (and taxpayers) millions of dollars annually. If you are really serious about achieving meaningful cost savings in county government I urge you to read this spend analysis and forward it to the appropriate Union County financial and procurement managers to act upon.
Regarding shared services....In order for Union County government to demonstrate to our over burdened taxpayers and dedicated municipal government leaders that shared services is a viable initiative you must first take steps to make cost savings a corner stone goal of county government leadership. Spending nearly $200,000 on your shared services commercial and promo mailer to publicize a $104,500 state grant for shared services did not send the right message! if you want to be perceived as a role model for cost savings and an innovative resource for municipalities to reduce the growing cost of government you need to make some hard decisions and take bold action to change from a mentality of business as usual to one of cost conscious and accountable government.
I hope you will consider the attached document with an open mind and I look forward to hearing from you.
View Spend Analysis of Union County Government by clicking HERE
John Marquardt
Retired Procurement Officer
Fanwood, NJ